About Jennifer

Just like the moons and suns, With certainty of tides,

Just like hopes springing high, Still I’ll rise.

– Maya Angelou

It’s hard to find the words. My life has taken many twists and turns. I’ve found myself on mountain tops and in valleys. Always I’ve had the guidance of others to pull me through. To show me the way back to myself.

You can probably relate. You are feeling lonely, disappointed – even angry – that your life is not as lovely as you had planned. You want to create meaning but things seem to keep falling apart.

Maybe there is someone that can help show me the way?

You are a beautiful soul. There are many people in your life you have taught you lessons and are proud of you. Maybe people on the outside think you have it all together but there is a voice inside of you that keeps telling you to embrace yourself more fully. It wants you to show up for yourself and in your relationships in a BIG way.

I can offer you a sacred container where we look at the tough stuff together. A space where we bring our real and whole selves. Together we will find clarity, inspiration and empowerment in our daily lives.

jennifer@empoweringtides.com            (864) 275-7126

Let’s take the Leap!

215 Society Street,
Anderson, SC 29621


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